

Nancy Agati and Amie Potsic,  Frost

February 15, 2014 – April 18, 2014
Opening Reception – March 1, 2014, 4pm
Two artists explore winter through installation, mixed media, and photographic work.

Endangered Seasons: Winter, Amy Potsic

Endangered Seasons: Winter, Amie Potsic

In winter, patterns emerge from the harsh relief of cold temperatures and heavy snow that illuminate the relationship between us and the changing environment in which we live. This cold is at the heart of Frost, in which two Philadelphia artists took on winter as their subject. Amie Potsic and Nancy Agati delved into the meaning of winter through a mixture of photography and mixed media.

Agati and Potsic draw elements of nature into their work, giving voice to the natural world and putting it in dialogue with both the viewers and the artists themselves. Potsic’s photographs and installations focus on the intersection of the socio-political and natural worlds, challenging the viewer to question stereotypes, cultural norms, and politics. Endangered Seasons highlights the change of seasons as indicators of ecological wellbeing, while the Made in China winter series utilizes seductive beauty to encourage grappling with difficult issues. Agati’s sculptural installations use natural materials to create forms which resonate with the patterns, shapes, and complex structures of the natural world. She investigates growth patterns in nature by playfully rearranging collected reeds, branches, and seed pods into forms reminiscent of winter’s decorative ornamentation.

Whether it was Agati’s striking sculptures, Potsic’s photography, or their interaction that transports you, Frost created a world that was both uniquely its own and deeply connected to its inspiration: our natural world.

For more of Agati and Potsic’s work, please visit their websites: and

Frosted, by Nancy Agati

Frosted, by Nancy Agati

Made in China: Tienanmen Square, by Amie Potsic

Made in China: Tienanmen Square, by Amie Potsic