The Bird Ethic

The Bird Ethic

The Bird Ethic

LandLab Artist-in-Residence Susan Hagen

October 7 – December 16, 2023

LandLab artist-in-residence Susan Hagen offers a series of diorama-inspired outdoor sculptures capturing historical moments in bird conservation, bird science, and humankind’s impact on bird populations. During her residency, Hagen interviewed birders and experts on ornithology and ecology and worked with the Schuylkill Center staff to develop a list of practical steps to improve outcomes for local birds. 

Constructed from mixed media including reclaimed timber from the Schuylkill grounds, these small-scale sculptures allow visitors to intimately experience Hagen’s visual storytelling. Each of the eight sculptures explores the ethical challenges and opportunities facing humans and birds: where some focus on the heroic efforts of individuals to build a “Bird Ethic,” others show the absence of virtue, asking visitors to ponder the resulting effects. 

Inspired by the writings of Aldo Leopold, Rachel Carson, and other visionary naturalists, the project calls on all people to develop a new set of ethics towards birds and to consider the broader implications for the entire natural world. As bird populations around the world have collapsed over the last few decades, humans face an existential threat. Our fates are tied together with the fates of the beings around us, and our collective survival depends on establishing a moral code that demonstrates responsibility for our position in an interconnected world.  

Visitors can find Hagen’s sculptures installed along the Widener Trail, and can view her accompanying indoor exhibition in the Schuylkill Center’s gallery. 


Photography by Bastiaan Slabbers, 2023


About the Artist

Susan Hagen is a Philadelphia artist engaged in social and environmental issues. Her process as a sculptor is a unique hybrid of traditions, and she combines techniques of European wood carving with natural history illustration and methodology borrowed from the prosaic genres of miniature crime scenes, doll houses and historical dioramas. She discovered through the years that this process would allow her to translate her experiences of the world into a tactile, pocket-sized parallel universe. Currently, Hagen is focused on ecological risks to birds. Prior to The Bird Ethic, she completed “Birds of North America,” a series of miniature drawings of birds including two characteristic individuals of each species, a male and a female. This work can be viewed alongside The Bird Ethic in the Schuylkill Center’s indoor gallery.



The Bird Ethic Opening Celebration: October 7th, 2023, 1-3:30pm. Register here

Programmatic Collaboration with Philly Queer Birders, November 18th, 2023. Stay tuned for details and registration.

Programmatic Collaboration with Feminist Birding Philly, December 9th, 2023. Stay tuned for details and registration.